Should We All Be Feminists?

Sometimes it feels like there’s two sides of me.

By education and political-standing I am a left-leaning sociologist & social worker. I believe in equity and that women are just as important as men, despite physiological differences. However, I am also a Christian who believes the Written Word of God is complete Truth, and that the standard of God as it pertains to men and women is that men are the head and covering of their household and within marriage there is a process of mutual submission.

Now, for those who cannot read and look for reasons to argue with people, read that again and emphasize: MUTUAL.


I want to make this clear because I think there is a misconception that one contradicts the other, but they are very much able to reside in my one brain without causing me to self-destruct. Further to be Holy and believe in women empowerment is Biblical but, people on both sides make it seem like you have to choose.

Your American racial majority evangelicals infer that to be left-leaning is sin, the concept of equity is absurd, and the right for a woman to have (God-given) choice over her own body is ungodly (oops…did I step on your toe? That’s okay! Read Romans 12:1 and tell me if God, through Paul, is asking or forcing).

Then our radical left-leaners make it seem as though to believe in God is acceptance of oppression, that men and woman are exactly the same with no meaningful distinction whatsoever (because…I guess biology doesn’t exist), and that being pro-choice isn’t at all problematic (yeah, fam I’m an equal opportunity toe stepper).


I cannot truly call myself a feminist and do not buy in to the feminist agenda.  Historically, feminism has exclusively served white woman way more than it has benefited women of color, even today (think Amy Schumer) and that is historical fact.  Further, in some ways, the feminist agenda low- key ignores biology, psychology, sociology, and denies any semblance of godly order for the sake of being seen the same as men….

But we’re not….and shouldn’t want to be.

Feminism is supposed to celebrate all forms of womanhood, but often shames or belittles those who choose to express womanhood in ways that are too feminine, modest, or submissive; deeming those problematic and backwards. Thus, Feminism is not a perfect doctrine.

I do believe, and feel confident from a Biblical standpoint, that women are called and able to lead in the marketplace, religious sectors, and politics just as men are.  I believe woman can and should be preachers and pastors.  I believe woman can lead in boardrooms and still manage households, where they love and are loved by their spouses in godly order. God gave us voices and distinct purposes, which extend beyond having children and being wives; though for some that may be the full manifestation of their purpose and that is BEYOND okay!

I’m not sure where the idea came from that to two worlds cannot exist and it frustrates me.

Now, my issue with the church is that it doesn’t read the Bible.

Yeah, I said it.

Miss J Tyra Banks America's Next Top Model

Because if we/they did, the Ephesians 5 we preach so much would be better understood.  The idea that the man is the head of the household is not a trophy for having external genitalia. It’s not a hard-handed dictatorship that says, “what I say goes.” It’s a weighty and burdensome responsibility to provide, protect, and serve the needs of those within the household. 

Further, that submission some preachers love shouting about is MUTUAL!! Let me help you with some reading comprehension, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” So, if you’re not willing to teach THAT Gospel and teach men that they will have to DIE in every single humanly way possible as a husband, stop trying to teach woman how to be malleable to the will of man so they feel important. #WORD

My point is God's Word and Truth has been misused and misunderstood.  It was manipulated by men to give them power that they weren’t naturally given.  Yet, feminism has it's own historical baggage. The societal narrative states God is not a feminist, and to be honest He probably isn’t.  However, He is certainly not anti-women. God is for Women. Matter of fact, Jesus highlighted women during his time on earth .  Some of His most meaningful interactions that are routinely preached are the ones he had with women (the well, the crowd, the prostitute, the adulteress, Mary(s), Martha, etc.).  God values women as strong and capable. However, He also created us as nurturers, intuitive, and soft. One does not cancel the other.

So should we all be feminists? I personally wouldn’t recommend it. Should women be valued, respected, and honored as equally valuable and capable creations of God? Always and without question.

Should we all be feminists? Which side do you lean more towards? What are your thoughts? I wanna know, so comment below and share with a friend!