Songs for the Winter (playlist)

I am a worshiper by gift and by choice.  There is rarely a day God doesn’t hear a song from me and I cling to worship as my life source.  There is no better choice you can make in a dark season than to worship.  It readjusts your perspective on a matter, encourages you, and lifts your focus from the problem to the splendor, sovereignty, goodness, Holiness, and Faithfulness of God.  Here are some songs that helped usher me into and remind me of God’s presence when I went through the hardest season of my life.

6. It’s Gonna Be Okay- Jenn Johnson (Bethel)

On the everything (seemingly) came crumbling down, I laid my shaking body down in an attempt to sleep.  I opened a worship playlist on Pandora to calm my mind and this was the first song that played.  I’d never in my life heard this song before (and I’m pretty sure I know almost every Bethel song). I let the words wash over me and it felt as if God Himself was singing over me a promise He knew I’d need for the journey ahead. This was my first signal that only worship would keep me sane.

5. Like Incense (Sometimes by Step)- Brooke Fraiser (Hillsong)

During my quiet time with God one day this popped up on Youtube and it immediately caught my attention. This old rendition of an even older song spoke directly to my heart.  It declares, “God you are my God and I will ever praise You,” and that was truly my intent; to sit at the Lord’s feet forever, especially then. However, the lyricism always causes me to think. Brooke’s melodic voice sings, “So still my anxious urge toward rebellion and let love keep my will on its knees.” No matter how hurt I was I knew that rebellion would profit me nothing and God’s love would have to anchor me when I felt least loved.

4. Sweet Victory- Trip Lee

I’d listened to this song for YEARS and never thought too hard about it. Then, one day I heard it from a place I’d never heard it before.  If you’ve never heard the song or know the story behind it, Trip talks about his struggles with a physical illness he’s endured for about a decade now.  However, the chorus constantly reminds the listener that no matter what, victory is eminent for the Believer, but we must endure until the end.  There’s so much Truth and transparency in this song you gotta take a moment to listen to it. (You also might remember it from the Shop Authentic Promo)

3. 100 Billion X (So Will I)- Hillsong UNITED (This version)

I pretty much play this song daily! There’s really no describing it. It speaks of the splendor and majesty of God and the reverence and response we should have in return. This was my favorite version for a while, BUT there’s a version by Osby Berry that made me fell even more in love with the song.  Just do yourself a favor and listen.  The lyricism is unparalleled.


2. Isaiah Song- All Nations Worship Assembly of Atlanta

One of the Promises God gave me for that season and the next was Isaiah 43. I did not know how He would make “a way in the wilderness” or a “river in the desert,” but I knew that when the salvation and wholeness of the Lord had arrived, I’d know it because He holds fast to His promises. Not too long after, one of my covenant sisters showed me this song tore me up! It features my brother-in-Christ Chandler Moore and Auntie Benita Jones, but more than that it reverberated the promise of God to me.  It’s basically straight scripture and when it comes to worship, there’s nothing better.

1.       Even When It Hurts (Praise Song)- Hillsong UNITED

A close sister of mine who was not only walking out this season with me, but going through one very similar sent me this song. I never knew a song could speak so accurately where I was in my life. There were days I’d listen to this song over and over again while praying and crying.  Matter of fact, I was so serious about this song that I would stop after the bridge and refuse to play the rest of the song because I could not yet fathom what the “morning” looked like.  But one day, I finally felt the freedom to play the rest and since then I’ve played it with a deep understanding of what it’s like to praise God on the other side of, what can only described as, torment and hell. I sing this song with reverence (to the God of Joy and sorrow), remembrance (of that season), and Joy (for where I am today). This specific version outdoes the rest, but the song itself is so real and raw that you’d swear it was written for you.

Here are some more songs that I played not only during my winter season, but in all seasons because of the Truth within them!

New Wine- Hillsong Worship

Always- Kristin Stanfill

You Know My Name- Tasha Cobbs

Journal- Casey J

If God- Casey J

Even If- MercyMe

Maintain- Jonathan McReynolds

Lover of My Soul- Jonathan McReynolds

Way Maker- Benita Jones

You are Everything- Todd Dulaney

Victory Belongs to Jesus + Reprise- Todd Dulaney

Pour Me Out- Naomi Raine

Jesus We Love You- Isabel Davis

Lord You are Good- Todd Galbert

Nothing is Wasted- Elevation

Trust in You- Lauren Daigle

Heroes- Amanda Cook


What are your favorite songs during hard times? Are any of these songs on your worship playlist? Comment below and share with a friend! I’d love to hear from you!