4 Ways to Avoid Situationships

​I’m gonna start by saying…I’m no stranger to this topic.

I have been the situationship QUEEN, mmkay? So none of this is judgement.

For the unfamiliar, situationships are relationships that aren’t exclusive but can seem exclusive because of all the relationship-y elements involved. Basically people who act like they’re together but they not together.

In my opinion, situationships are a result surplus. We have so many options for everything that deciding on anything seems unnecessary, and even anxiety-inducing. And that’s cool when it comes to different flavors of ice cream, but not when it comes to actual human-beings.

Not much good can come from them, especially for those who desire healthy long-term relationships. So how can you avoid the trap of situationships? Keep reading for 4 ways:


Situationships are, in large part, a result of not being clear on the season you’re in (Is it time for you to be single and unavailable, dating casually, or seeking exclusivity?), or lack of self-awareness of your expectations and desires. When you’re not sure of where God wants you to be or even what YOU want, you’re liable to fall for anything that comes your way. 


If you’re seeking commitment and exclusivity make that clear. We allow boundaries to get crossed, and once that occurs is difficult to step back. Know what is and is not acceptable for you so you can keep your emotional footing.


In Episode 2 of Grab Your Stuff! Podcast, I discussed how to ask questions without being overbearing or rude. If you don’t clarify the other person’s intentions or standards, you will forever be assuming, which is no way to have a healthy foundation


Sometimes we end up in situationships because we’re tired of waiting on what we really want. We allow time to make us feel insecure and move us to make rash decisions. Singleness can be uncomfortable, lonely, and so many other things. But don’t settle for non-commitment when you want commitment. You’re only wasting your own time.


Your job is not to convince people out of emotional unavailability. If they tell you they are not ready, believe them. Otherwise, you’ll waste months only to end up frustrated and hurt.

I hope these helped! Comment below and let me know which one stood out to you! CLICK HERE to start your healing journey with my life-changing self-guided course, Heal for Real!


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